Smart Raise is an open sourcenon profit platform for charity fundraising

Variety of Projects

Select form a wide variety of projects and support them to reach their funding goals


Projects have phases, and only get as much money as they need for the phase.

Auditor Approved

An auditor decides about payouts. If a project fails to deliver on its goals, the remaining phases get canceled, and the remaining funds are paid back to the supporters.

Smart Contract Enforced

All projects are run by smart contracts which enforce the rules. The contract and its source code are public and can be verified by anybody.


End User Frontend

Note: All the information is fake test data

Go to Frontend


Note: Not working in FF now on gitlab, try chromium.

Careful: Writes use whatever MetaMask is set to, make sure it points to test localhost

Read expects ganache at localhost:8545

Go to Admin


Contract documentation and information about architecture

Go to Docusaurus

Gitlab Project

Contracts, code, documentation, issues

Go to



Is it ready to use?
Yes! Just go ahead and pull the latest sources. If you have any questions, or you need technical help, just get in touch!
How do you make money with this?
I don't. The project is orginially funded by the Austrian Netidee grant, and is completely free to use.
How can I start a campaign?
You'll need to deploy a discovery contract, and then use the admin UI to deploy the campaign. If you have any questions, or you need technical help, just get in touch!
What is an auditor?
An auditor is a knowledgable person who checks the receipts and documentation of a project to verify that they did what they promised to do.
Who are the auditors?
Projects nominate their auditors themselves at the start of the project. Bigger organizations can select professional 3rd party auditors they already work with, smaller organizations can pick a lawyer or type of professional. If you need an auditor, get in touch, we might be able to connect you to pro-bono auditors.
Why is no the community decision about payouts?
There are several problems with crowd-decisions. Firstly, they can be easily gamed. Second, most average people don't have the professional knowledge and time to verifiy this kind of documentation. Thirdly, it would increase complexity by a lot in exchange for little upside. We keep up to date about decentralized voting and curation projects, but for now we focus on simple workflows.
